2011年8月16日 星期二

SolidWorks 2011 SP3 Multilanguage Win32 & Win六4 32位元/六4位元 繁體中文/簡體中文/英文版(DVD9版)(

SolidWorks 2011 SP3 Multilanguage Win32 & Win64 32位元/64位元 繁體中文/簡體中文/英文版(DVD9版)(只有升級檔)

商品名稱: SolidWorks 2011 SP3 Multilanguage Win32 & Win64 32位元/64位元

商品分類: DVD9程式合輯.軟體合輯

商品類型: 只有升級檔

語系版本: 繁體中文/簡體中文/英文版

運行平台: Windows XP/Vista/7

更新日期: 2011-07-08

熱門標籤: 只有升級檔 


Read .txt from /MAGNiTUDE dir



SolidWorks 2011 產品系列軟件優化並加強中心產品設計遵命,是設計師和工程師的致勝法寶。

在生氣发家的CAD用戶群和豐富的內容、技術和專業經驗的支持下,組織透過使用CAD 、模擬、數據计划

、文件和環境影響評定,可將靈感轉化為創新設計。 SolidWorks 產品系列同樣延續DS SolidWorks系列的傳統,


SolidWorks 2011 產品系列的新增遵命:

PhotoView 360與Walk-Through:SolidWorks 2011 能夠經由PhotoView 360树立设立宛在目前的照片級渲染造诣。

這項新遵命現已彻底整合到SolidWorks 2011軟件中,為設計和渲染提供了一個整合的環境,即便非專業使用者,

也能輕鬆上手。其他,為使客戶獲得虛擬交互式體驗,SolidWorks 2011用戶或者操纵全新的Walk-Through


新增Defeature Tool:SolidWorks 2011 使用者還或者將詳細設計(但不是過於詳細)發送給客戶、


的細節或迟缓的知識產權信息。同時,Defeature工具可減少設計檔案與組合件儲存巨细, 確保檔案在傳輸過程中能


2D簡化遵命可加快整机阐发:新的2D 簡化遵命可加快整机阐发。用戶只需選擇一個截交立体並應用荷載和約束條件,

就可以執行靜態、非線性、壓力容器和熱等方面的研究。 SolidWorks Simulation能夠實時算出結果並顯示在全3D模型上,


更快速的尺寸標註:SolidWorks CAD軟件提供新的圖紙細化遵命,設計人員無需手動進行尺寸標註,節省時間和精力。



溶化產品的電子部件。新的HVAC 模型採用抗衡行径處理處理采暖、通風和空調。整机庫已取得擴展,



用戶現在或者檢查現有幾何結構,例如鋼樑或牆壁等,以為敷設路徑的確定提供指導。 SolidWorks 將管道/管路/


更強大的鈑金設計遵命:SolidWorks 2011強大的新遵命,席卷或者自動確定焊接职位地方並生成文件。用戶或者操纵

Smart Weld(智能焊縫)工具選擇並呈現焊縫路徑,並操纵增強型圓角和凹槽遵命指定焊接類型和準備接頭

SolidWorks 2011自動在新焊縫表格中收拾整顿有關焊縫數量、長度和類型的數據,提供詳細的工程量化資訊用於



SolidWorks 提供多種3D CAD、設計驗證和產品數據计划軟件,以及產品文檔製作軟件。任何企業,無論規模巨细,


3D CAD 軟件

SolidWorks Premium 軟件將多量機械CAD、設計驗證、產品數據计划、設計变革和CAD 生產听从降职工具集成到一個簡單易用



使用SolidWorks Simulation,您或者非常利便地將自己的設計置於與未來所要碰着的真實情況类似的條件下。


● SolidWorks Simulation Premium席卷了SolidWorks Simulation Professional的部分阐发遵命

● SolidWorks Simulation Professional

● SolidWorks Flow Simulation

SolidWorks Sustainability




SolidWorks Enterprise PDM 可幫助您的團隊计划產品數據、共享設計信息、實現责任流自動化,


3DVIA 產品文檔軟件

使用3DVIA Composer 和3DVIA Sync,您創作2D 和3D 圖像及動畫的责任得以簡化,創作本事大大增強,


● 3DVIA Composer

● 3DVIA Sync

免費的 CAD 工具

大多數SolidWorks 客戶有時仍需使用2D 數據。為了滿足這種不時之需,我們免費提供了eDrawings

瀏覽器和Drawings Now 等應用法式模范。


越來越多的SolidWorks 单干夥伴開始創建通過SolidWorks 平台無縫集成各種專業遵命的應用法式模范。


SolidWorks 2011 Service Pack 3.0 Update Only 32bit & 64bit

Next update basic computer-aided design and engineering analysis, specialized for the

manufacture of products of any complexity and purpose, with a full set of advanced and

innovative instruments for the successful realization of creative potential users.

Company SolidWorks Corp. (USA) - an independent division of Dassault Systemes (France),

a global leader in high-tech software. Program to deal with SolidWorks Corp.

characterized by high levels of quality, reliability and productivity, which in

combination with professional support SolidWorks makes the best decision for the industry.

SolidWorks Integrated solutions based on advanced innovative technologies of

hybrid parametric modeling and a wide range of specialized modules.

The software is based on Windows, has the support of the Russian language, and,

accordingly, supports the Standard and ESKD.

Updated modules in SolidWorks 2011 Service Pack 3.0:

COSMOSM - folder with the update COSMOSM (full installation)

eDrawings - folder with the update eDrawings (full installation)

eDrawings API SDK - folder with the update eDrawings API SDK (full installation)

PDM Works server - the folder with the update SW PDMWorks (full installation)

SolidWorks \ SolidWorks Core Update - folder with the update kernel SW (kernel update also

includes updates of all SW add-in, including SW Motion, SW Simulation and SW PhotoView 360)

SolidWorks \ SolidWorks Localizations Update - folder with updates localizations under

the supported languages (REQUIRED for installation if you are using a localized SW2011)

SolidWorks Document Manager - Update SW Document Manager (full installation)

SolidWorks Explorer - update SW Explorer

SolidWorks Flow Simulstion - Update SW Flow Simulation

SolidWorks Help - Update SW Help (13 languages)

Full installation means that the update can be installed regardless of whether the module

is pre-installed or not

New in SolidWorks 2011 Service Pack 3.0:

- Drawings

In the Tools> Options> System Options> Drawings Disable association notes when you

drag off the union of two notes, or notes, and size when they dragged each other.

Select this option to disable the association, clear this option to enable the association.

New context menu item Merge notes displayed when selecting two notes, or notes and the size and

clicking the right mouse button.

- SolidWorks Flow Simulation

The user interface and online help for SolidWorks Flow Simulation translated

into French and German languages.

- SolidWorks Simulation

If there is contact between the connecting parts from sheet metal and other

surfaces (solids or shells) connecting the contact algorithm can force superrigid

mount because of the gap between the intermediate grid and the geometry of the

contact surface. Superrigid mount connector contact alters the calculation of

rigid body assemblies. The program calculates all the hard components

(with the frequency values close to 0), if you remove the gap by shifting

the grid sheet metal from the intermediate surface to the geometry of the contact surface.

- PhotoView 360

Integrated preview has become more interactive. In the dynamic manipulation of

species (rotation / scaling) Integrated preview restricts detail, yet the

dynamics of the form is not completed, leading to better coordination between

the preview and mouse movement.

Size:7.51 GB

URL :http://www.solidworks.com


Windows XP SP3 32位元/64位元 GHOST XP 2合一 繁體中文合輯版(DVD版)(此片售價200元)

Solidworks v2009 SP3.0 Multilanguage 32位元 繁體中文/英文正式版(DVD9版)(此片售價300元)

SOLIDWORKS 2010 SP0.0 MULTILANGUAGE WIN64 繁體中文/英文正式版(行業軟體)(DVD9版)(此片售價300元)

SolidWorks V2009 SP0.0 64位元 WIN64 繁體中文/簡體中文/英文正式版(3維機械設計)(DVD9版)(此片售價300元)

Solidworks v2009 SP2.0 Multilanguage 32位元 繁體中文/英文正式版(DVD9版)(此片售價300元)

