2011年8月22日 星期一

實況足球 20一1 Pro Evolution Soccer 20一1 英文正式版(DVD9版)(SPG 體育運動遊戲軟體)

實況足球 2011 Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 英文正式版(DVD9版)(SPG 體育運動遊戲軟體)

商品名稱: 實況足球 2011 Pro Evolution Soccer 2011

商品分類: DVD9電腦遊戲

商品類型: SPG 體育運動遊戲軟體

語系版本: 英文正式版

運行平台: Windows XP/Vista/7

更新日期: 2010-10-02

熱門標籤: 體育運動遊戲軟體 


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Konami正式宣佈了新1代實況足球遊戲《Pro Evolution Soccer 2011》(以下簡稱《PES

2011》),大紅大紫的巴塞羅那隊當家球星梅西单方面擔任代言人。 新作還参加了新的AI



默示,《PES 2011》的1個次要新觀念即是特殊設計的管教系統,能讓玩家操作把持球場上的



。《PES 2011》還在防守AI、門將、動作和球員物理學、比賽節奏、畫面、戰術战略、設







PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2011 is here and will bring digital soccer to the next

level. Central to the heart and soul of PES 2011 is the idea of freedom of

play. This freedom invigorates the series with the most advanced set of

gamplay improvements ever attempted by the Winning Eleven Production team,

coupled with the greatest stride in new content. The result will be a game

that allows total control over every element of play - even online - to give

the most lifelike soccer experience next to actually putting on a uniform and

taking the field.Features:Total Control: PES Productions has enhanced the

三60-degree passing ratio, offering unprecedented levels of control over every

pass, shot, throw-in, through ball and lofted through balls. Users can pass

the ball into space, and move their play with total freedom. Players must

precisely weight their passes and second-guess the runs of their team-mates

and exploit their movement. Players even can apply pressure on opponents to

force them off the ball.Shot & Stamina Gauge: In addition to the generic

power gauge, the Shot & Stamina meter details the player's exact level of

fitness. Constantly sprinting will have an adverse affect on performance and

statisticsNew Defender AI: Defenders now hold their positions naturally,

instead of chasing balls that enter their area and work to close down the

attacker to force mistakesAnimation and Player Physics: PES Productions has

totally reworked every element of in-game animation. These additions will

become clear before even kick-off, with the players enjoying fluid, natural

movements, with more realistic acceleration and inertia than ever before. The

physicality between players is also improved, which was a priority requested

in PES forums. Jostling and blocking now looks stunning, while there is a

larger variety of convincing tackling styles. Ambient animation also adds

immensely to the in-game atmosphere, as players behave realistically when off

the ball, and walk and run with a variety of individual styles.Speed of Play:

The new level of control means that PES 2011 enjoys a more varied pace of

play, which depends on the situation at hand. The game will burst into life

as counter-attacks come into play, but players can dictate the pace via slow

build up or exploiting available space to surge forward. It is harder to make

long runs from midfield, and successful play will depend on making quick

passes to create space.Aesthetics: PES 2010 showcased the best likenesses in

a football game, and PES 2011 ups the ante further. Facial animation has been

enhanced, but the key advances are over 1000 all-new animations which have

been recreated from the ground up using over 100 hours of motion captured

footage yielding more organic runs, turns, throw-ins, tackles, and

interaction. Tactical and Strategy: The PES Productions team has implemented

an all new 'Drag and Drop' mechanism that can be used in every aspect of team

management. These settings are also animated to promote better understanding

of the plays that have been altered.Feint settings: PES has always offered a

wide range of subtle skills, feints and turns, but PES 2011 allows users to

map their favourite move sequences to the right stick, making them more

accessible than ever before.Master League Online: PES 2011 will mark the

online debut for its much-loved Master League element, with players bidding

against each other for the world's best players, and attempting to build a

squad that can compete with the best against online peers all over the globe.


實況足球 2008 Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 英文正式版(DVD版)

實況足球 2011 Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 簡體中文正式版(DVD9版)

實況足球 2011 Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 v1.0三 繁體中文/英文正式版(DVD版)

實況足球 2009 Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 英文正式版(DVD9版)(此片售價250元)

實況足球 9 Pro Evolution Soccer 5 英文正式版(DVD版)(破解檔安装於CRACK夾內)

